Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What hotels are near the venue?
A: There are 3 hotels within a mile of the venue. Aloft hotel is the closest, the valley Hotel, and the Embassy suites hotel. They are all within one mile of the venue.
Q: We have heard about a PR Anvil. What happens if we PR?
A: If an athlete PRs the official will give them a PR card and after their section is over they will be invited onto the stage to hit the PR anvil. The whole goal of this event is to try and push PRs higher. We tried to make challenging groups and progressions that push the athletes to jump as high as they can. even if they don't win their group we want to reward the athletes that meet that challenge and celebrate their achievement.
Q: What should I bring to the event?
A: Bring your normal track bag (spikes, chalk, Etc), chair, tent if you would like, cooler, camera, and phone charger.
Q: Where are the bathrooms located?
A: The event bathrooms are located in city hall. There are 2 sets of bathrooms on either side of the building, but please understand that this is still a government building and behavior inside should be appropriate. Please no running, yelling, or horse play in the building.
Q: Are we allowed to bring tents?
A: Tents are allowed, but the space for tents are limited. There will be signage on the barriers that discloses where tents are not allowed to be placed. Also be aware that there are businesses nearby and do not block the entrance way of a business with your tents or chairs.
Q: We you have water for the athletes?
A: Water is provided for the athletes competing. We have had water donated by the bluff park masonic lodge and they will be handing out and refilling coolers for athletes.
Q: Will there be a tent for the athletes?
A: We have tents for the athletes to sit under while they are competing. I do suggest that you bring a chair to sit in during the competition.
Q: Do you have a paramedic on site?
A: Yes we have a paramedic from the Homewood Fire department on site all day for both days of the event.
Q: Are the times posted start times or warm up start times?
A: Our schedule is on a rolling schedule. The times are the estimated start time for the first bar for that event. Every athlete needs to be warmed up and stretched before the group ahead of them finishes. There will be 30 minutes of warm up between the competitions. With 12-15 people and the heat 30 minutes is all the athletes will need.​
Q: Does every section have trophies?
A: There are only trophies for the top 3 in the Elite, Emerging, and Masters sections. for the winner of every other section we have a Vulcan Vault backpack.
Q: What rules will be running?
A: This is a USATF event and we will be using the USATF rule book.
Q: We have heard you are allowed to have alcohol at the event. Are we allowed to bring our own?
A: The area we are in is a entertainment district for the city. The vulcan Vault does not sell any alcohol, but local establishments do. All alcohol must be purchased from local businesses. There will be a Red clay bar services inside city hall, SOHO Social and Social taco all within the plaza. No outside alcohol.